
Template Nodes

Quoted text

The template looks like HTML or XML, but the text content must be quoted!

#[component(Backend = DomBackend)]
struct MyWebsite {
template: template! {
// error: text content must be quoted
<div> My Website </div>
// correct:
<div> "My Website" </div>


Note that comments are rust-style (not XML style).

#[component(Backend = DomBackend)]
struct MyWebsite {
template: template! {
// This is a line of comments
/* Some other comments */

End tags and self-close tags

The end tag can be replaced by "</_>" for short.

#[component(Backend = DomBackend)]
struct MyWebsite {
template: template! {
<div> "My Website" </_>

Self-close tags (like XML) are also supported.

#[component(Backend = DomBackend)]
struct MyWebsite {
template: template! {
<div />

Dynamic text content

It is able to use an expression as the text content. Use a brace "{}" to embed an expression.

#[component(Backend = DomBackend)]
struct MyWebsite {
template: template! {
<div> { format!("1 + 2 = {}", 1 + 2) } </div>

It is able to use the "self" reference in the expression.

#[component(Backend = DomBackend)]
struct MyWebsite {
template: template! {
<div> { &self.my_data } </div>
my_data: String,
#[component(Backend = DomBackend)]
struct MyWebsite {
template: template! {
<div> "My Website" </div>
my_data: format!("1 + 2 = {}", 1 + 2),

Be careful: when using fields in "self", do not move out the fields.

#[component(Backend = DomBackend)]
struct MyWebsite {
template: template! {
<div> { self.my_data } </div>
<div> { &self.my_data } </div>
my_data: String,


It is able to use attributes (like XML), but non-string values should not be quoted.

#[component(Backend = DomBackend)]
struct MyWebsite {
template: template! {
<div id="a" />
<div hidden=true />

The "=true" can be omitted.

#[component(Backend = DomBackend)]
struct MyWebsite {
template: template! {
<div hidden />

Attributes also support expressions. Note that the attributes are typed.

String attributes can only be assigned string values. Boolean attributes can only be assigned boolean values.

#[component(Backend = DomBackend)]
struct MyWebsite {
template: template! {
<div id={ &self.my_boolean_data } />
<div id={ &self.my_string_data } />
<div hidden={ &self.my_string_data } />
<div hidden={ &self.my_boolean_data } />
my_string_data: String,
my_boolean_data: bool,

Expressions for attributes always accept references.

The "&" can be written outside the brace - sometimes it looks better.

#[component(Backend = DomBackend)]
struct MyWebsite {
template: template! {
<div hidden=&{ !self.my_boolean_data } />
my_string_data: String,
my_boolean_data: bool,